Friday, December 26, 2008

Bunny Cake

Isn't this cake gorgeous ?

I'm so proud of my designer. Even though simple, this cake is so pretty !

Designer spent 1 1/2 hours making the bunny that is sitting on the cake. Laying on the fondant was much easier & faster this time, compared to the castle cake that we've done. I guess it's the experience we gained from our 1st fondant cake !

This is a dark chocolate cake, covered with fondant that has been tinted a shade of pastel blue. It's for Kylie's 21st birthday celebration. Why bunny, because she's born in the year of rabbit !


  1. serene visual effect...nice cake and the christmas cake as well !
    may i take this moment to wish you a very happy new year 2009.
    Happy Boxing Day.

  2. yes absolutely gorgeous; simple is best i always believe.

  3. LOlz !
    Wait ah, soon I'll blog it and tell u what's the excitement! hahaha

    THanks to u & [D]

  4. Ooh I first saw this at ChickyEgg's blog! The cake's so cute! Happy New Year!

  5. Soni : thank you & Happy New Year !

    Terri : thank you !

    Denise : all credits go to D !!!

    jacq : Thank you & Happy New Year to you too !
