Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Goodbye 2008 !

2008 has been a good year for me.

I started this blog.
We (D & I) made our 1st fondant cake.
We ventured into wedding cupcakes, cookies as both party & wedding favours .
We've made quite a number of 'themed' cakes for both adults & kids.

All these become possible after June this year, in fact after I started this blog. I think the timing is right, well I must have something to blog about all the time !

When I started this little bakery 2 years ago, I was always baking for the same few friends. I work really hard & my efforts paid off gradually.

I'm really grateful to the blessings & wisdom that God has given me.

I would like to say a big THANK YOU to all those who have supported me in my little bakery.

Talk about new year resolution, I used to tell myself that I need to do this or that in the coming year but by the time I realised it, it's end of the year ! Well, if you ask me what do I hope for in 2009, the same old thing, I wish I could have my own cafe/bakery one day......... I love to dream, day dreaming most of the time. But hey, I have a location in mind, D & I talk about the layout all the time & I've even got the name on my mind !!
I'll continue to dream about it in 2009, who knows my dream may come true one day......

I would like to wish every one out there a very Happy New Year........

Oh, I've ended 2008 with a Liverpool design cotton cheesecake.


  1. ive seen ur cake improve in design many many fold the last few months. u def shd have a cafe, so my friends n i can come enjoy.

    do it. u can.

  2. you make my day !!! I'm work hard towards this dream......

  3. wei, if you need to hire assistant, pls consider me ah! hahhaha ;p i m serious
