Monday, May 18, 2009

Wedding Cake/Cupcakes

We've done our first wedding cake on Saturday.

This time the fondant was made from scratch, but not the flowers though. I wanted to make my own simple gum paste flowers but there's no way I could get gum tragacanth or Gum-Tex or Tylose so I gave up the idea. Moreover the wedding was yesterday & I only got the call few days before it.

This wedding cake was a small one, just for cutting. It was a rich chocolate cake. J also ordered 40 vanilla cupcakes together with the wedding cake.


  1. the cupcakes looks deli.... i wish i could have some...

  2. Congraz on ur 1st wedding cake! :D Looks beautiful!

  3. nice fondant! nxt time u use my gum paste recipe n make the roses k... dont need gum tragacanth if ur just keeping it few days n they dry rock hard too. u cld just place them on teh cake just b4 ur customers collectt eh cake... if its a simple design...imagine the colours u cld make!!

  4. Cindy, Jenny, Terri : Thank you ladies !

    Zurin : We'll try to make flowers on our own next time :)

  5. Hi
    i need your help in baking wedding cupcakes for my soleminsation in april.

    can you please email me at

    my name is eunice. i look forward to your reply soon.
