Monday, May 25, 2009

Lok Lok's 1st Birthday

Yesterday was Lok Lok's 1st birthday celebration.

Mummy said he likes Mickey Mouse so he had a big cake with Mickey's face on it. The cake was for the adults, a yam cake. Then we baked some little cupcakes for the children, with a small Mickey face thrown in for Lok Lok.


  1. Your cakes design all are special and
    make me refresh everyday.

  2. nice looking cake... and the details are just incredible... and i bet they taste good too

  3. how gorgeous!!! those are made with love for sure!

  4. Cindy : Lok Lok's mum called to let me know her guests had enjoyed the cake :)

    Daphne : Thank you & oh yes, lots of love :)

  5. Hi .. I'm curious.
    Whenever I look at these cupcakes I have this question...
    The Swirl should start from the middle or from the side when you do the piping?
    I'm newbie to this and hope it does not sound stupid in asking..

  6. Hi Isabel,

    I start piping my swirl from the side & work my way in. I think you need practice to get the perfect swirl. I still more time to get those pretty ones some bakers turn out.Go for it, Isabel :)

  7. Thanks for your encouragement!! I will .... Give it a Try. Ha Ha... All your masterpiece looks nice and Neat! I'm sure it taste as good as it looks...
