Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day !!

Happy Mother's Day to all Mummies out there.........

As usual I've got no cake for myself but I'm happy that my cakes are able to grace the dining table of some people tonight.

I would like to say a big Thank You to all those who gave me the opportunity to bake a cake for their beloved Mummy today.

I got few cards from my girls, cake & food related. CJ hand-made a heart shape card with weaving & printed another one with a 3-tier cake picture on it (3-tier cake coming ???). JF gave me two certificates that she made, one a great baker award & the other with a picture of a hamburger ! I was puzzled, what has hamburger got to do with Mother's Day ?? She was funny, the card was to thank me for the yummy hamburger that I prepared for them on Thursday !!

A few of my cakes for Mother's Day :

This cake is done the way Denise the Chicky Egg wanted to, so fruity !

Another bikini cake for someone's mum !


  1. wao! your fruits cake n the bikini cake very special design!

  2. wah ;p so famous meh the bikini body cake ;p
    wait I m designing mine one! ha ha
